Friday, February 13, 2009

It's the Little Things in Life

I didn't get to go pole dancing last Saturday because my party put me way out of commission. Like my friend that was staying with me over the weekend said "The last thing in the world I want to be doing right now is hanging upside down from a stripper pole." Lying down was too much motion for us, there was no way it was going to happen.

It's been rescheduled though, no worries. But I'm still nervous about the class considering how unsuccessful I am at performing anything that looks remotely sexy. But then, a miracle of miracles happened and I regained my confidence. Katelynn from The Real World Brooklyn busted out her pole dancing moves in the most recent episode. I've provided the video above for your amusement. And to celebrate Friday the 13th, because this is crazy scary. There's nothing like an awkward transgendered drunk girl humping a support beam to boost your self esteem. Like my friend said, "She needs to get her roots done. If you are going to be a girl than be a girl."

I mean, at least I'll look better than this right? Fingers crossed.

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