Monday, February 2, 2009

Between Lapdance 101 and Intro to Platform Heels

Tim: Btw, whats up with the stripper classes? You learning new things for the BF or thinking of a career change?

Me: It's a pole dancing class, not a stripper class.

Tim: Pole dancing = stripper class

Me: Haha. I'm taking it for fun. That, and a belly dancing class.

Tim: Yes.... pole dancing + belly dancing definitely = stripper curriculum

Me: Hey, we are in a recession. I've heard it pays the bills.

Tim: I love that NY Times article saying that men still pay for strippers even when the economy is in the tank.

Me: SEE! Strippers are like cockroaches. They will be the last ones standing when the world ends.


Unknown said...

Taking a Poll:

BF is happy his girlfriend is taking stripper courses? yes or no?

My vote: yes

CaW said...

You should have said taking a pole ...ohhh...