I was sitting in my bed, minding my own business, working, and all of a sudden I turn around and this old lady is staring at me from across the window. I usually keep the shades drawn but I wanted to check out the snowstorm outside, so they happened to be open. Luckily, since it is so freezing, I had a sweatshirt on and wasn't in my
usual state of undress. I've never noticed this woman before and it looks like she has an apron on, so I'm hoping she's a housekeeper and isn't permanently setting up shop. Although, now she's on the portable phone so if she's a housekeeper that is kind of scandalous right? Or not at all, I'm just making drama up in my head which wouldn't be the first time. I was really creeped out until I realized that
I'm the sketchy one, staring at her, blogging, posting her picture — albeit a fuzzy one to protect her privacy. Ok, that's a lie... I'm too lazy to go downstairs and get my real camera. Is this what the movie Disturbia was like?
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