...or just an example of how hungover I am.
Last night the Gators won the National Championship and amid my 20 panic attacks during the game, I got myself nice and drunk, as usual. (P.S. I also think I scored a guest bartending job as well. More on that later.)
This morning, along with the pain of waking up, I have been laughing at almost everything anyone says to me. I thought I'd write a blog post about it, as an experiment, to see if these things are actually funny or if I'm just delirious. Note: This post may be deleted when sobriety hits.
Humorous Instance #1
My friend in Spain emailed me last night at 4 am: "Congrats! I'm sure you're blackout right now. Don't die, I want to hang out soon."
She had forwarded the news alert she had received from the Times, and as I looked at the score I was shocked that it was 24-14. I thought it was 17-14. I was elated all over again, and very amused at myself for forgetting. Although at this moment I'm starting to feel this wasn't that funny and more sad, pitiful and alcoholic.
Humorous Instance #2
Another friend emailed me, in response to me stating I felt like crap today. She said:
"Oh no!!! At least you had a good time, and you can stay in sweats all day and not be a real person."
I laughed like a hyena at the last part, sent it to the BF to question him on whether or not this was funny and he said:
"Ha. How does that feel to not be real?"
Which of course, sent me into another fit of laughter.
Then came the kicker. My friend that I drank with at the bar came online and we had the following gchat conversation:
Kate: did you go home after?
me: yes
did you
Kate: nope
whatd you do
me: wait
im so confused
i went home
Kate: oooo
me: am i hungover
Kate: me too
me: or does this conversation not make any sense
Kate: it makes no sense
me: lol you just said me too
wait did you go out
Kate: no i went home
Kate: i thought i asked you if you went out
me: no you didnt
Kate: but i asked if you went home
Which obviously was just too much for me to handle. I decided I had to share my delirium with all of you, but again, this post might not be here in a few hours. Especially because, looking back, I'm fairly positive none of this is really that funny.
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