Tuesday, December 16, 2008
You know you have become a hermit when...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Upgrade me, I'm Irish

Friday, December 12, 2008
Because You Can't Ctrl Alt Delete Your Love Life

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Nakedly Typing
Thursday, December 4, 2008
You may be fat/desperate but at least you're smart
me: It definitely means fat.
What do you guys think?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Runaway Bridesmaid

Apologies for being so bad at keeping up the posts lately. Last week I was enjoying my home state while reuniting with high school friends as we made fun of Riverfront while reveling in its trashtastic-ness. This week is also quite busy as I am preparing to be in my first wedding since the age of 8.
Yes, the first of my close friends is getting married. Yes, I am a bridesmaid. No, I cannot handle it. Yes, I am making her wedding entirely about me. Of course.
It is that wedding. You know the one. The one where you realize you are getting older and a person who danced with you in college while screaming country music and crying about boys, whose hair you held back in the bathroom while laughing about "bottle service" at K-town, who watched you drop pizza all over yourself and the floor then posed to take a pic of it, is GETTING MARRIED. (Addendum: these situations are all theoretical. Obviously.) And let me be clear, in case this post makes me seem like I think otherwise: she is totally and thoroughly ready to be married. They are wonderful together, and we have a blast whenever we all see each other. Much love and happiness and everything. And I'm extremely pumped about the wedding it will be a wonderful party, total craziness, I honestly can't wait. I just don't think I'M ready for it.
And so as I make the wedding about myself and lament about getting older, I really have no time for posts. I already have to deal with the typical questions you get asked when you live with your boyfriend of 2.5 years, and I'd rather just enjoy my relationship without the extra dose of anxiety. My friend Jamie called me the other day and revealed that whenever I call and don't leave a voicemail she thinks it is because I'm going to announce my engagement. Don't give me a heart attack. I reassured her I am not even ready to handle my friends getting married, let alone myself.
So again, apologies for the lack of posting. I'm throwing myself a panic attack party about the wedding on Saturday. Because really, I am the perfect, supportive, bridesmaid.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
From the mouths of parents...
"I signed up for a Facebook account but dont worry. I know I have no 'Friends' in this family." - my Dad
Thursday, November 20, 2008
E-Tu Gmail?
I. hate. change.
When Facebook added Newsfeed (which admittedly is now an amazing, helpful stalker tool that I depend on), I was very upset. I joined the "Thousands against Newsfeed" group and proudly took my stance against this. And by the time "New Facebook" came about I just used "Original" as long as possible until they took that away and I quietly sulked thinking back to the days Facebook was exclusive to top schools while also being easy to use and not trashy like MySpace.
But Gmail ... WHYYYYY?
I have to say, I was curious. I wanted to change it immediately back to original but was swept in by the beach theme, and then even more astounded when I received this message after clicking on "Summer Ocean" :

After clicking around I just went back to "older version" to try to calm myself down. Then I realized, something was missing. I was starting to get the shakes. Why was that? Because the older version DOESN'T HAVE GCHAT.
You freaking trickster you.
Fine. I give up. I'm putting it on Summer Ocean 33326 because I associate myself with Florida beaches over NY ones. And hey, the sentence in my top email sort of explains my current feelings.

Actually, I just went back to check it out again. I lied. I need my old Gmail back pronto. Please. I'm not good with break ups.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Flip-flops and 4 SPF Here I Come
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
An Ode to Sexism
Friday, November 14, 2008
How Hot Is That Doggie In The Window?

But then I realized, if I loved my dog enough I wouldn't care if it peed on me. And in order to love my dog, it needed to be super freaking cute because, let's face it, I'm that superficial. The truth is, I'm like that with people for the most part too. And before you go all 'OMG I can't BELIEVE you would say that,' on me just shut it. I've heard it all before. I was even once broken up with by an ex at a formal dinner merely because I mentioned a girl was "unfortunate" looking. I'm not kidding, it wasn't pretty — but that's a story for another rainy day.
We all would rather be speaking to gorgeous people than ugly ones. And if you wouldn't then good for you. But let me just tell you, there is reverse discrimination as well. You know, those people that judge you for being good-looking and automatically assume you are either dumb or boring, or both. I think the best compliment I've ever received was a friend telling me "you're like a really nerdy person trapped in a hot girl's body." That was nice.
But, enough narcissism, back to puppies. See, my dog has to stay looking like a puppy always because a) I was petrified of dogs until I was 14 and still get nervous around larger animals and b) because puppies are cuter than dogs. And with people, what they are lacking for in looks they can make up for with a "good personality". Slap some humor or intelligence on that sucker and call it a day. Often enough, those people are much more interesting to talk to than a sexy bimbo. But a puppy can't tell me a really good joke and make me laugh until I cry and forget all about how ugly it is. So, while most people say the reason not to get a puppy from an animal shelter is so you can see it's breeding papers and make sure it wont get sick, I don't want to get one because it might not stay cute.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Because lately my friends are funnier than I am...
Friend #1: "I am currently doing psych experiments to earn extra cash."
Me: "Do you have to take any drugs?"
Friend #1: "No, I wish."
Friend #2: "How is it possible that people have trouble finding boyfriends? Seriously. I find them on accident."
Friend #3: "There's something gratifying in hearing 'She's great and all, but she's not you.' Its like I pick relationships based on the likelihood of hearing that at the end."
Boyfriend's Foreign Barber Girl: "Come back when your hair grows up!"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
But I would totally have a fashionable leash...

I work from home all day, by myself. And it's safe to say I'm a fairly energetic person — although very lazy, which I admit sounds like a juxtaposition, but I assure you I am both — so working from home all day with no physical communication to other people can make me a little ... pent up. And here's where the lazy part comes in, as you might have realized, I'm not very self-motivating. So it's hard for me to convince myself it is worth going through the trouble of gettting dressed and cleaning myself up just to go outside for no reason. After all, I live in Manhattan — everything can be delivered to your doorstep.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Canada, anyone?

Because I really do love my pesto pasta...
So in the name of all things linguine...Don't forget to vote today!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Guess I'm not the only one reading Us Weekly
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Stay Saber
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
To slut, or not to slut?

Before we got attacked by a tree branch falling over in the hurricane force winds at Central Park, Cheyenne Jackson told me that Halloween is just an excuse to dress up like a slut. This was after he told me he once dressed up as a slutty boy scout. (Yes, he is an openly gay Broadway star). I in turn, of course quoted Mean Girls (I mean does a better movie even exist? The Original Blair Waldorf, Regina George was in it... hard to cap that) and said "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it."
And truth is, I fully support dressing slutty. In fact, before I went to my Ivy League college I dressed like a slut on a regular basis, and didn't even realize it. But hey, that's a whole other post about being Floridian which I will get to later.
Anyways, my point is, when does the appropriately slutty Halloween costume stop being appropriate? At what age is it not ok to wear a green bikini top, drape some leaves on yourself and say you are "Poison Ivy?" Or buy a 6-year old's firefighter's jacket wear it with a black bra and stilettos and then drunkenly pose with real firefighters?
I vote next year. When I am 25 (the most terrifying age in the history of the world...until you turn 30) then I will stop pondering whether I should be a sexy mental patient or a sexy referee or Lara Croft (who is, let's face it, just plain sexy).
Then I can concentrate on the "witty Halloween costumes." Like my friend who dressed in a black slip and wrote Freud on it and she was a Freudian slip. Or my "caught red-handed" friend who put a fishnet over his head and painted his hand red. Last year I tried to be witty by buying mouse ears and saying "Duh, I'm a mouse" but really I was Karen from Mean Girls but nobody got that and it fell flat and I found myself wishing I had dressed up as a sexy catwoman again instead. I did dress up as Bud Lite (bud shirt with glowsticks everywhere) and Bud Wiser (budweiser shirt with grey hair, beard and glasses) with the BF the night before though and that got rave reviews.
So yes... next year. You will see me completely appropriately clad.
Well, maybe.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
There's something about men in uniform...
Jamie: umm omg i went to the federal penitentiary
Jamie: its kind of like camp actually
Jamie: not as scary as i imagined
except minus fun
and plus hardened high security criminals
staring at me
through their little cell windows
Jamie: there were a few hot ones actually
It should be noted that I am quite the procrastinator. In school I relished the opportunity to put off homework assignments as much as possible. I turned in a final paper from my Fall semester three days before graduating in Spring. I discovered that once I knew a professor would accept a paper late, I could simply go up to that professor on the next assignment, say 'thank you for that extension, did you want it turned in electronically or in paper form?' and although they had never in fact granted me an extension for that assignment, they would simply answer the question rather than admit they had forgotten lengthening the deadline for me.
It is not really something to be proud of though. Because the truth is, I have not perfected it. In order to really reap the benefits of a good procrastination, one must not have that pesky thing called 'guilt' or a 'nagging self-conscious'. Maybe it is because I'm Catholic — although I doubt that — but I end up worrying and constantly thinking about That Which I Did Not Do Yet for much much longer than it takes me to actually do said thing.
So in order to stop feeling so bad about myself, I make lists. And on those lists of things to do, which I have messily scattered about everywhere, I put actual procrastination on there so that I can have something to cross out and feel accomplished. For example in college a list could be: a) write outline of book b) order dinner c) eat dinner d) REALLY start the outline of book e) take a break and gossip with sorority sisters f) finish outline of book g) watch grey's anatomy h) finish outline of book for real this time.
This way, I have accomplished multiple things to cross off, regardless of what homework I did and the fact that if I was working on the outline the paper was probably due the day before. Okay, okay, the week before.
And here's my point: I have been thinking about doing this blog since February. I have spent months talking about the blog, thinking about the blog, talking to my friends and driving them insane about the blog. I have made lists of blog posts I would write, which are probably outdated at this point. I have walked around internally writing blog posts and wishing I had some magical technology that could just transcribe my thoughts without me having to actually sit and write them. And... to be perfectly honest I walked away from this, got distracted and am now out of the writing zone so... to be continued...