I was getting a little restless cooped up working from home in my NYC apartment so I decided to quit my job and move across the world to Sydney, Australia. (I've always been a little bit drastic in my actions... Surprising coming from someone as chilled out and drama-free as me, I know.) As of now I am pursuing an endless summer and plan on returning to the northern hemisphere in May just in time for the hot weather. I'm taking my blog with me and moving it over to
www.nothongsallowed.com in order to collect all of my Australian adventures in one place complete with pictures of all the fun I'm having. The photographs are intended to enduce envy so please, stalk away.
For the time being please check me out at
No Thongs Allowed instead of Chocolate and Whiskey. I know that for most of you this means adjusting your homepage but, so be it. I've had to adjust my drink orders to "Jack and dry" instead of saying "whiskey and ginger" so we are all making changes in our daily lives together.